Ми проповідуємо Христа розп'ятого (1Кор.1:23)

А Він був ранений за наші гріхи, за наші провини Він мучений був, кара на Ньому була за наш мир,
Його ж ранами нас уздоровлено! Усі ми блудили, немов ті овечки, розпорошились кожен на власну дорогу,
і на Нього Господь поклав гріх усіх нас! 
(Ісаї 53:5,6)

Ukrainian English Russian

Christmas (2015) greeting by pastor Viktor Khaustov

Christmas (2015) greeting by pastor Viktor Khaustov

Christ is born! – Let glorify Him!

«And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.» (Lk.2:7)

Dear Christians brothers and sisters!

Albrecht-Durer-Madonna-of-the-PearLove, Peace and Joy came down on earth on Christmas day to make you happy and cheerful.

God himself came down to us in Christ Jesus! His birth and His life weren’t easy. His pregnant mother made travel. When time came for birth of Our Savior, the Holy Family hadn’t place for it. Then Herod tried to kill Baby-Jesus. But Almighty Father was guarding for His Only Son and His Mother and they found place for staying in Bethlehem, then they escaped safely in Egypt. The reason of Christmas is the only one: our salvation through Christ alone! He died. But He didn’t die in time of Christmas. He died in proper time that the Father had planned in his wisdom.

Our lives are not easy too. Let the Holy Spirit support us in days of testing! Remember the Word: «He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all - how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?» (Ro.8:32).

May Christmas spread cheer in your lives! May our hearts be wide for staying Jesus in them!

In Christ yours pastor Viktor Khaustov

And All Saints congregation of Ukrainian Lutheran Church in Kharkiv







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